PMHB, April 2020

Home Publications PMHB, April 2020

PMHB, April 2020


In the April 2020 PMHB, explore the legacy of Treasury Secretary Albert Gallatin, the racial and class politics of nineteenth-century dance, conflicts between eastern and western Pennsylvania over railroad funding, and the 1917 sex trafficking trial of German naval captain Max Thierichens.


Front Matter


Albert Gallatin and the Jeffersonian Political Economy, 1801­–1813: Revenue, Debt, and the“Community of Interests”

Songho Ha

Race, Rank, and Reform in Antebellum Philadelphia Social Dance

Lynn Matluck Brooks

“Dirty Shirts” and “American Eunuchs”: Western Pennsylvania Confronts Its Railroad Investments, 1857–1863

Perry K. Blatz

Sailing into Troubled Waters: A German Naval Captain Faces American Justice in World War I

David A. Gilbert

Book Reviews